World’s leading seed-stage life science accelerator. They are focused on building startups dedicated to solving humanity’s most pressing problems with life itself. Life is in a way this centuries new tech. Learn about Indiebio and Jun in this episode. 

Yvette talks about how she transitioned careers, the exact step by step process she went through, and outlines how anyone can use the same process to do the same.

As President and CEO of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, Bob’s mission is to advance Massachusetts’ leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system and improve patient lives. Over the last decade, Bob has truly become a champion for patients by ensuring innovative companies have the best environment possible to research, develop, and commercialize breakthrough therapies and cures for people around the world who need and deserve them.

Balancing being a primary care physician with working on building out ASP, a team of people trying to help support the burgeoning commercial space industry.

A talented and driven technologist with a passion for startups. Working on direct interaction in VR. Helps other founders through Y combinators startup school, is driven to create something unique, which he has done, and push for more people to build great things!