Michael Forrest is a Cambridge university biochemistry graduate. Ph.D. computer science. Founder CEO of Biophysical Therapeutics, which is focused on drugs and interventions to slow aging and promote longevity.

Doug Ethell is the founder and CEO of Leucadia Therapeutics, a pre-clinical stage company developing an early diagnostic for Alzheimer’s disease and a therapeutic device to stop that disorder in its earliest stages.

Sebastian Brunemeier, Building Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Money, ImmuneAGE Locations, Switzerland Benefits, Distributed Biotech, ChatGPT, vitaDAO, DAOs, Non-profit, Accredited Investors, Mental Energy, Ageism, Hopelessness, Downhill After 18, Psychometrics, Healthspan Capital, Mouse Bottleneck, Business Opportunity, Mouse Models, Synthetic Models, Age-related Diseases, Human vs Mice, Cloning, Reverse Yamanaka Factors, Progeria Cells, IP, Investing, Contracting Out, Matthew “Oki” O’Connor, Cyclarity, Cholesterol, Brain Aging, Bone Marrow Transplant, ImmuneAge Special Sauce, Competitors, Biobank, Missing Team Members, Books, Longevity Biotech Fellowship,

Jessica Dornbusch is a filmmaker, writer, and producer. We get into her life and work, and in particular discuss one of her films – Reefa, which is about a Colombian immigrant and talented artist, and involves police brutality and injustice.

Stephanie Dainow is the Executive Director at Lifespan.io / Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation a longevity non profit organization.