BeeHero maximizes crop yields through pollination. The company’s technology combines sophisticated machine learning algorithms with low-cost sensors to stimulate full output potential during peak pollination cycles. By tracking and optimizing pollination in real-time, BeeHero ensures hyper-efficient pollinators that can increase crop yields by 30% on average.

this is an episode with me talking about the upcoming crowdfunding campaign that I will be doing. we get into how outdated bee hives are, how sensors can impact beekeeping, the bees, and bee research. I am focused on making beekeeping user friendly. And remove the confusion that it entails.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”  Abraham Lincoln, Peter Drucker, and Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom

A talented and driven technologist with a passion for startups. Working on direct interaction in VR. Helps other founders through Y combinators startup school, is driven to create something unique, which he has done, and push for more people to build great things!