A talented and driven technologist with a passion for startups. Working on direct interaction in VR. Helps other founders through Y combinators startup school, is driven to create something unique, which he has done, and push for more people to build great things!

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Abby is recognized as a leader in the space community, working as a space ambassador herself with a focus on educating and exciting people around the world about the importance of space exploration to the future of humankind. To find Abby, visit her website at www.AstronautAbby.com.

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Patty is the co-founder of Starlight, which is based out in Florida. She is passionate about startups that actually solve problems, and has the track record to prove it. In under 18 months she and her team at Starlight have invested in some of the best companies out there. In this episode we get into founding Starlight, what she looks for, problems she wants to solve, and more. 

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