This episodes breaks those clichés a part and shows the truth that grit and perseverance can get you. It is a great update on Murat and how ML/AI in biotech can change the world. Additionally, Murat has been on the show before as well so it's exciting to see what he has been up to for the last few years. 

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20+ years in aerospace and serial founder with several critical patents, space plane in the works, new renewable energy technology, and more. Rai is also looking for a new HQ. so if you know of one, let her know. 

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Data rights, data dividend, connecting, data benefits, Adapting to living in NYC with raspberry pi and arduinos, music production, and more

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In this episode we get into what Dom and deep science ventures have been working on for the past few years, and what there incredible focus will be on in the future. 

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