Akash Inti Katakam The Journey from Biotech Expert to Pick Up Artist, Actor, and Raconteur – 137

October 18, 2022

Akash Inti Katakam entrepreneur, digital media, and marketing expert, yoga instructor,  BDSM, social dynamics,  and seduction influencer, and actor


Website – www.akashinti.life/about/

Instagram – akashinti

Facebook – Akash Inti

YouTube – Akash Inti

Email – akash(dot)inti(dot)katakam[at]gmail(dot)com

Other content with Akash/. Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wH2YySpoXE


The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson- is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzri06unR-lMXbl6sqWP_-Q

Youtube clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-B5x371AzTGgK-_q3U_KfA

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowell-th…

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LWThompson5

Website: https://www.learningwithlowell.com/Podcast email: lowell@learningwithlowell.com


00:00 Start

01:25 Being The first one

02:30 Starting to Biotech / Transitioning to where he is now 

07:00 Burning Boats

09:02 Akash Asks me about my illness

13:50 Akash feelings on the healthcare world.

18:45 doing pickup artisting while being deep in biotech. 

26:20 how does being a pick up arist actually work – how do women feel about it?

33:00 how he thinks about being safe

39:15 challenging yourself and fun experiences

41:05 Potentially being a father and a grandfather at the same time / potential children

43:20 Discussion on Kanye West / Prince / and grounding

46:20 What advice would he give people starting out on being a pick up artist?

49:00 Thoughts  emotions as you age

52:30 People as mech suits

53:30 Vice vs Andrew Calligan channel 5 and some interesting facts about the different shows. 

58:30 Vince Kelvin Power/Energy level

1:01:55 What dating is like? Is there a real sexual marketplace?

1:05:00 Younger and older groups of dating more and why

1:07:20 archetypes and dating

1:09:20 His feeling of acting for the first time and what acting is really like

1:15:20 thoughts on director feedback and how to speak to people

1:16:20 Going from a ronin to building a mom and pop place

1:21:05 Why acting?

1:24:40 Projects coming up, where he finds them, and where he wants to go. 

1:29:10 How he would help people be better storytellers. 

1:32:40 Leadership / and making a teaser for this episode

1:33:55 Closing Thoughts and first persons thinking 

1:35:30 Akash steals the camera and asks me questions again on how I build things.  

1:36:40 Giving Ideas away

1:38:30 Understanding people

1:41:00 End of episode

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